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Family Finance Favorites
How to Keep Money Problems Out of Your Marriage
Money problems and marriage don’t have to go hand in hand. Learn how this simple solution can keep money problems out of your marriage for good. How many of you struggle with money problems in your marriage? I have a secret for you… you are not alone. Very few marriages are free of money problems.…
Read More10 Different Ways 2020 Hurt the Average Family Budget
One of the most popular posts here on Family Finance Mom is the example of a family budget, based on the 2018 Consumer Expenditure data released annually by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This month, the BLS released the data for 2020, giving us a detailed look at just how 2020 – with the pandemic,…
Read MoreHow to Calculate How Much House I Can Actually Afford
First time homebuyers, and even experienced homebuyers who may be buying in a new area or buying into a higher price point, often ask me how much house they can really afford or how much of their income their mortgage should be. The key to answering these questions is understanding that the total cost of…
Read MoreAwesome Finance Books Every Woman Should Read
The most successful people in the world all have one thing in common: they never stop reading. Having previously shared what I consider the best books about finance, many of you expressed interest in reading and discussing them together, as well as having regular recommendations on finance books to read. And so last year, the…
Read MoreHow Rising Interest on the National Debt Impacts YOUR Family
For years, and really more like decades, people have been raising concerns over the national debt rising. Today, however, those concerns have become a much more certain reality. What makes now different? Rising interest on the national debt makes it a far more pressing concern. Read on to learn why rising interest on national debt…
Read MoreThe Importance of Life Insurance for Parents: Why It’s Essential
Before kids, most parents never even gave life insurance a thought. Most of us don’t like to dwell on our own mortality… especially when celebrating a new life, the birth of a child! But when you have a new baby, that’s exactly when you should be thinking about it most. It’s what life insurance for parents is for – to protect your family financially when faced with the loss of you or your spouse. So what exactly is life insurance? How does it work?
Read MoreHow Much Money Should I Save for Retirement
Once your budget is under control, the next most common question I get is “How much should I save for retirement?” Our retirement plan is likely to look a lot different than it did for our grandparents, and even our parents… and most of us aren’t saving nearly enough!
Read MoreWhere Should You Keep An Emergency Fund?
The first major step on the Family Finance Road Map to free yourself from credit cards and adding to your debt is to build an Emergency Fund. But where to keep that emergency fund is this week’s follower Ask Me Anything topic. Every day, I get lots of great questions from followers across social media,…
Read MoreHow to Shop at Aldi
Learn the ins and outs of how to shop at ALDI, the international discount grocery chain, to save money on your family’s grocery bill. When it comes to budgeting, many families single biggest struggle is grocery spending. You try to save money by meal planning, you make lists, you try to eat in instead of…
Read MoreWhere To Invest Money: ETFs vs. Mutual Funds vs. Index Funds
In our current crazy, economic environment, I’ve been hosting a daily LIVE Q&A on Instagram every weekday at 10AM ET. One question I’ve been asked over and over and over again goes something like this: “Should I invest in an Index Fund or a mutual fund?” or “ETF or Index Funds – which is better?”…
Read MoreHow to Become a Millionaire
The most commonly searched terms around this concept are all about “how to become a millionaire fast” or “how to become a millionaire overnight” or even “how to become a millionaire in 5 years.” Everyone wants to get rich quick… but what Chris Hogan found after interviewing thousands of millionaires in America for his latest…
Read MoreWhat is a Lagging Economic Indicator?
With all the talk in the last year of will there or won’t there be a recession, last week I covered the 4 leading major economic indicators to watch that help predict a recession before it comes. And as I anticipated, lots of you wanted to know whether they were predicting a recession or not.…
Read MoreHow American Student Loans Morphed from a Hand-Up to Hopelessness
The Federal Student Loan program first began in 1965. It was intended to make student loans accessible to all, to make the American Dream – going to college and earning more money – possible for everyone. A Federal American Student Loans program was supposed to be the great economic and opportunity equalizer… but somewhere along…
Read MoreHow To Get Personal Finance Classes in Every High School
There are two things I hear consistently from Family Finance Moms on a daily basis: I wish I had learned this when I was in school. How do I make sure my kids learn what I didn’t about finance? The way to address both of these is simple. Personal finance classes in every high school…
Read More20 High School Seniors Ask: How to Prepare for College Financially
I remember my college search process, the campus visits, and final choice like it was yesterday… my thought process went something likes this: I deserve to go anywhere that accepts me. Cost barely registered in my decision-making – and certainly not because my parents could afford it. My mom just kept telling me “we would…
Read More10 Best Things to Buy At Costco
When it comes to saving money on groceries, I swear by two things: meal planning and Costco! For families, you can save tremendously on your grocery budget by buying right and buying in bulk… and there’s no better place to do it than Costco. Just before the holidays, I asked my Instagram followers what are…
Read MoreLazy Mom’s Quick and Easy Shepherd’s Pie
One of my favorite, go-to meal plan ideas for Fall and Winter is Shepherd’s Pie… but seriously, who has time to cook the filling, make mashed potatoes, put it all together, and then, bake it all over again??? Here’s how I make all the same flavors happen in 30 minutes or less for a quick…
Read MoreHow to Save Money At the Grocery Store
When it comes to budgeting, many families struggle with sticking to their food budget every month. There are lots of ways to lower your monthly grocery spend: you can save money on groceries by meal planning, eating in instead of eating out, but you can also learn how to save money at the grocery store…
Read MoreBudgeting Your Time to Maximize Your Mom Schedule
If you’re a busy mom who feels like your days are passing in a blur, while your to-do list grows faster than you can ever seem to keep up with, this one’s for you. While it may seem as a stay at home mom in particular, you should have all the time in the world,…
Read MoreHow to Protect Your Children: 10 Things to Know About Will vs Estate Planning
No one likes to think about their own mortality. However, once you have children who depend on you, it becomes essential. If something happens to you, what will happen to them? How do you make sure they are protected and financially provided for? I was recently asked about wills during a weekly Ask Me Anything…
Read MoreThe Ultimate Guide to Finance for Baby’s First Year
Congratulations, your precious baby is finally here. Now the real fun begins! While you may have purchased everything on your baby registry list, there are many family legal and financial tasks you cannot actually begin until your baby arrives, and some come with significant time sensitivity. So even if you’ve been preparing for a baby financially…
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